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September 23, 2005


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  • The opinions expressed herein are for discussion only, and may or may not reflect the opinions of the blogger. Any use or republication of the information or statements set out in this blog for any purpose other than participation on this blog is prohibited and constitutes a violation of the license to read or use this blog.

Executive Committee

  • Agnes Sowle
  • Alycia Sykora
  • Becky Duncan
  • Chin See Ming
  • David Leith
  • Edward Trompke
  • Erin Lagesen
  • Greg Chaimov
  • Honorable Henry Breithaupt
  • Honorable Jack Landau
  • Honorable Youlee You
  • Jim Westwood
  • Les Swanson
  • Michael Simon
  • Ruth Spetter


  • Susan Marmaduke
  • Robert Steringer
  • Yonit Sharaby
  • Jonathan Henderson
  • Jonathan Hoffman
  • Fred Granata
  • Bruce Smith
  • Matt Kalmanson

Blog Manager

  • Erin Lagesen