If you are an OSB member, you should be receiving the brochure and registration information for this year's November 4 Constitutional Law Section CLE within the next few days, if you haven't already. Seating for lunch is extremely limited so we urge you to register early in order to ensure a spot at a table. Last year, we had to turn away requests for the limited lunch spots, and we expect we will have to do so again this year. Regretfully, a larger room is unavailable.
As a reminder, our lunchtime speakers are Jeffrey Dobbins of Perkins Coie, Stephen Walters of Stoel Rives, James Gardner of Gardner and Gardner, and Cory Streisinger, the Director of Oregon's Department of Consumer and Business Services. They will talk about their experiences clerking at the U.S. Supreme Court. Our CLE featured speakers are Professors Mark Tushnet and Jesse Choper, who have both published extensively on the Supreme Court. Both will discuss the Legacy of the Rehnquist Court and Professor Tushnet will wrap-up the recent and upcoming Supreme Court terms. Our other panels will address the Oregon Death with Dignity Act case that will be argued before the Supreme Court this coming October, just before the CLE, and Recent Developments in Oregon Constitutional Law.
In addition, the Section will hold its annual meeting after lunch, just before the afternoon session of the CLE begins.